Darren Snow appears in Article 2 Jury Inquest
Inquest investigated a death in custody at HMP Bedford
Darren Snow, instructed by the Royal College of Nursing’s Head Office Legal Team, recently represented a mental health nurse at an Article 2 Jury Inquest at Bedford Coroner Court.
The inquest investigated the circumstances surrounding the death of a prisoner, Ezra Tamiem, who was on remand at HMP Bedford.
He was found hanging in his cell on the healthcare wing on the morning of the 16th July 2020 having barricaded his cell door and constructed a mannequin from clothing and bedding to give the impression he was asleep in bed to those checking him overnight.
There had been concerns for his mental health and use of ligatures whilst on remand but his condition was believed to be much improved by July 2020. When assessed a few days before his death he was considered to be stable and presenting a low risk of suicide. He remained on the ACTT programme for “at risk” prisoners but observations overnight were reduced to 4 random observations.
Time of death was not established.
The jury reached a finding of Suicide with a narrative concluding that failures with the prison’s care, risk assessment and overnight observations contributed to the death.