Jonathan Page secures acquittals at York Crown Court

Published: 22nd May 2024

In a significant legal victory at York Crown Court, barrister Jonathan Page successfully defended a client accused of historical sexual offences. The jury acquitted the defendant on all 22 counts relating to allegations made by two separate complainants. These allegations, dating back over a decade and a half, led to the defendant’s arrest at Heathrow Airport. Remarkably, the arrest came 16 years after the initial accusations surfaced in 2007, shortly after which the defendant had left the UK.

Jonathan Page, instructed by Kam Varaitch from IBB Solicitors, skillfully navigated the complexities of this case, which involved extensive historical evidence and delicate jury deliberations. His expertise in handling sensitive and high-stakes cases was crucial in securing a favourable outcome for his client, emphasizing the importance of meticulous legal representation in achieving justice. This case underscores the challenges and nuances of defending long-standing allegations, highlighting the pivotal role of experienced legal counsel in such critical situations.


If you would like to talk to us about instructing Jonathan then please get in touch with our Clerking team today